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R.S.V.P. (Jason Donovan) (Australia)
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A hot hit from the 80's, by Jason Donovan.

R.S.V.P. is an acronym for the French sentence "répondez s'il vous plaît", which means: "reply, please". It is used (always as an acronym) at the end of a formal social invitation. You can also find it sometimes at the end of a normal formal letter of any kind, but most people would not consider it appropriate and might even consider it rude to directly ask for a reply. In that case, it is better just to suggest it and end your letter saying "I look forward to your reply", or the less formal "Looking forward to hearing from you".

The high society of England adopted French etiquette in the late 18th century, that's why this French expression, as well as others, got into the English language. If you receive a social invitation with R.S.V.P., you must reply to confirm whether you are attending the event or not. If you receive "R.S.V.P. regrets only", that means you only need to reply if you are not attending the event (if you don't reply, that means that you are accepting the invitation).

Was our love built on solid ground?
There were so many ups and downs
I cannot count the times you'd end up crying.
I always thought I'd be OK
But then we went our separate ways

Since we parted broken hearted
Can't eat can't sleep can't do anything
I sent this letter, hope you can get it

I think I've finally realized
Love requires compromise
Maybe we were wrong to give up trying
And I would give most anything
If you could take me back again

Since we parted broken hearted
Can't eat can't sleep can't do anything
I sent this letter hope you can get it

Can't eat can't sleep can't do anything
I sent this letter hope you can get it

I always thought I'd be OK
But then we went our separate ways

Since we parted broken hearted
Can't eat can't sleep can't do anything
I sent this letter hope you can get it

Since we parted broken hearted
Can't eat can't sleep can't do anything
I sent this letter hope you can get it

Since we parted broken hearted
Can't eat can't sleep can't do anything

BUILT ON SOLID GROUND= (metaphorical) If something is built on solid ground it is realistic, based on true and real things, and it will last.

UPS AND DOWNS= Good and bad times.

END UP= If you end up doing something, you do it as a consequence of a process of things.

CRYING= To cry is to shed tears through your eyes, usually because you are very sad or hurting.

WE WENT OUR SEPARATE WAYS= We broke up, we stopped our relationship.

PARTED= To part is to leave.

BROKEN-HEARTED= If you are broken-hearted you are extremely sad.

RSVP= Repondez s'il vous plait (French for: Reply please). An expression often added at the end of formal invitation letters, before the signature.

REQUIRES= (formal) Needs.

GIVE UP= Surrender, stop trying.


No hidden meaning here, just what it says. A couple who loved each other until one day they break up. Now the boy is so so sad that he can't stop thinking of what he has lost and wants to come back, so he writes a letter and... hopes she can get it.

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