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She Moves (Far Away) (Alle Farben) (New Zealand)
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"She Moves (Far Away)" is the 2014 debut single by German DJ and producer Alle Farben (meaning All Colors in German), from his debut album "Synesthesia - I Think in Colours" and features the vocals of Graham Candy. The song was co-written by Frans Zimmer (real name of Alle Farben), Graham Candy, Jan Hammele and Andreas Huber.

The official video, directed by Franck Trebillac, depicts Graham Candy travelling on a bike to reach his lover, who is dancing at an Indian party. On his way he passes through different lands and climates and cycles past Alle Farben, disguised each time as someone different (a peasant, a skiier or a runner). At the end of the video Candy eventually reaches the girl in an Indian-like land and dances with her.

Far away, far away
In a land where the sun would never rise
Far away, far away
In a place with marmalade skies
Far away, far away
In a land where the sun would hide its eyes
Far away, far away
In a place with marmalade skies

All alone she moves
Into a broken paradise
Surrounded by the coloured lights
On and on she moves
Into a paradise without day and without night

Far away, far away
In a land where the sun would never rise
Far away, far away
In a place with marmalade skies
Carry on, carry on
Deeper into the rabbit hole
Carry on, carry on
Until you reach the hallway made of gold

All alone she moves
Into a broken paradise
Surrounded by the coloured lights
On and on she moves
Into a paradise without day and without night

All alone she moves
Into a broken paradise
Surrounded by the coloured lights
On and on she moves
Into a paradise without day and without night

All alone she moves
Into a broken paradise
Surrounded by the coloured lights
On and on she moves
Into a paradise without day and without night

WOULD= We can use WOULD to express a habit in the past:
- When I was a child, I would get up at 9 every day
= When I was a child, I used to get up at 9 every day
The difference between WOULD and USED TO is that the second can also refer to past situations:
- This house used to be white, but they painted in red last year
(Not: This house would be white...)
So the sentence in the song means "In a land where the night used to last forever".
Another use of WOULD is to express volition (= want) as a past of WILL:
- Why she had to go? I don't know, she wouldn't say (The Beatles, "Yesterday" lyrics)
(= She refused to say)
So if this is the case, then the sentence means "In a land where the sun refused to rise"

RISE= To go up. When the sun rises, it is dayligh. If the sun never rises, it is always dark, always night time.

MARMALADE= A jam made with sour oranges (English people often have toast and marmalade for breakfast). But if we use it as a colour, marmalade is a shade of orange, sometimes the colour of honey. But describing that colour as "marmalade" evokes nostalgia (because marmalade has a bitter-sweet flavour). This kind of orangish (orange-like) colour is the one you get when the sun is close to rising (dawn is near) but it hasn't. Of course, that's because "the sun would never rise", but it's not far away either, which may be an image of hope or an image of frustration. This expression mirrors the other sentence in the song when he says "a paradise without day and without night"; the sun is always near the horizon but you can never see it, so it is never daylight, but it's never dark either.

ALL ALONE= (emphatic form of ALL) Completely alone.

ON AND ON= The particle ON expresses continuity, so to MOVE ON means to keep moving, non-stop. The expression ON AND ON is emphatic.

CARRY ON= Continue.

DEEPER INTO THE RABBIT HOLE= The rabbit hole is a reference to the story of Alice in Wonderland. In that story Alice falls down a rabbit hole and she is transported into a hidden world of fantasy, a new dimension where everything is possible. This image of getting deeper into the rabbit hole emphasizes all the ideas in this song about a world of dreams and fairytales, and also gives as an additional sense of unreality.

HALLWAY= Corridor / entrance hall. A hallway is usually a corridor, but it may also refer to an entrance hall, and that is the meaning here, since he's talking about the rabbit hall. In Alice in Wonderland, Alice falls down the rabbit hole and ends up in the entrance hall of a house. She then finds a key and opens the door to go out into a garden, and that is where Wonderland begins. But Wonderland is not a paradise, like the name suggests, but a crazy world where nothing is what it looks like. That is what the song is talking about, she is moving into a broken paradise, and the entrance is at the end of a rabbit hole, through a hallway made of gold. That gold, like the coloured lights that surround her, suggest something fantastic lies ahead, but what she will find there is not a paradise but a world without days and without nights, a broken paradise.


As you can notice from the comments under the Explanations tab, this story is expressing sorrow for a lost love. She has moved away from him, far far away, and she is moving into a broken paradise, a world without days and without nights. It all may look to her like a wonderful new world, she feels surrounded by coloured lights and the entrance door is in a hallway made of gold, but that paradise is broken, the hope that leads her (symbolized by the sunrise) will never come, the sun refuses to rise, the days are forever in twilight (marmalade skies) and it's all more like dusk than dawn.

We find a mix of positive and negative things which produces bitter-sweet feelings and images:

marmalade (bittersweet flavour)
broken paradise
coloured lights / without day and without night
hallway made of gold = the rabbit hole

In this story we have a girl, the one he loved, trapped in Wonderland, moving more and more into a new world that looks magical but it's simply crazy and deceptive. He is even quite sarcastic when he encourages her to continue that way: Carry on until you reach the hallway made of gold. But that hallway, like in Alice in Wonderland, will only lead to the crazy world of the Queen of Hearts (off with her head!, the queen repeated)

We don't really know what is the real story behind this song, only the author knows, but whatever is happening, his lover is moving away from him, excited about a deceptive new world that will bring her sorrow.

The video has little connection with the lyrics.

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