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Weather Conversations (Twominute English) UNIT 5 - part of lesson H
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The weather is constantly changing. Sometimes we suffer from hot scorching heat, and sometimes we get pleasant rainy weather. Weather is one of the most unpredictable things too, and if we aren't prepared it can cause surprise and inconvenience. It has an effect on our mood and plans as well.

How would you share your feelings or opinions related to the weather conditions? In this video, we'll talk about some phrases that you can use while discussing the weather with others.

Practice all the phrases at the end to build your fluency and comprehension.

Welcome to Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.
In this lesson we will learn about phrases that you can use to discuss weather conditions with others.

Hey Dreck, how are you doing?
Hey Monty! It’s nice to hear from you. Tell me what’s up!
Well, I just wanted to tell you that we’ll be visiting you this weekend.
That’s great! How did you suddenly decide to see me?
Well, the kids really want to visit their uncle, and Jody wants to see how you’re doing.
You sure did pick the right time. The weather is awesome over here. It’s sunny and breezy.
Good to know that. It’s not so good in here. It’s been raining non-stop since three days.

It’s so cold in here!
I know. I am freezing. Gawd! I hate winter!
Do you think it’s going to get warmer soon?
I don’t know. The weather report is saying it’s actually supposed to get colder.
I think I will die if it gets any colder!
Oh come on! Our ancestors survived winters much worse than these without any heating.

It’s such pretty weather outside. Isn’t it?
Yes, it is indeed.
Let’s go out somewhere.
That’s a great idea! But, where do you think we should go?
Let’s go for a long drive.
What if it starts to rain?
The sky looks clean. I don’t think it will rain today.

It hasn’t rained today. I have to go out. Do you think I should take my umbrella?
I think you should. The weatherman said it might rain today on the television.
In that case I am sure I won’t need my umbrella.
Why not?
The weatherman said it wouldn’t rain yesterday and it rained. Today he is saying it will rain, so it most certainly won’t.
Your have amazing logic Sam, but take the umbrella anyway.


The weather is awesome over here. It’s sunny and breezy.
It’s been raining non-stop since three days.
It’s so cold in here!
Do you think it’s gonna warmer soon?
It’s such pretty weather outside. Isn’t it?
It hasn’t rained today.

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