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741 Hz Cleansing Tesla Guided Meditation Subconscious Soul… (Dare to do. Motivation) (Austria)
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Enjoy this Meditation guided for inner soul cleansing STAAAY BLESSED Listen to your happy...don't give up and always believe!

Hi, this is There To Do Motivation.

Welcome to this meditational video.

  • Close your eyes.
  • Relax.

Together, we will embark on a journey far away—but far away inside of you. So don’t worry. Wherever you are right now, you will stay in this room, but actually, your soul, your being, will leave on a journey together with me into your deepest dwelling.

Into a place that you always knew existed but perhaps you haven’t had access to—until now.
But now is the time.

  • Sit, lie, or stand comfortably, as you may wish.
  • Close your eyes and fall.

3... 2... 1...

You’re falling.
Black hole.

You’re falling down, down, down.
Never ending. You just fall deeply inside of you into a place where reality is defined by your inner subconsciousness—forever.

You’re still falling. Deep full-mindedness.

The more you fall, the darker it gets, but still, you are here. You’re falling inside of you so deep, to your deepest thoughts, your deepest memories, your deepest emotions—realizing that you’re one with the Earth, with the Universe.

There’s nothing to be afraid of.
There is nothing to fear.

There is only to embrace.
There’s only curiosity.

Soul, who are you?

What are you?
Are you Soul?
Are you a human?
Are you a thought?
Are you an emotion?

Maybe you’re energy in motion.

You’re deep inside yourself right now.

  • Why did you come onto this Earth?
  • Why were you born in this body?

You have limited time—only.

Remember: Everything will pass.
This too shall pass.

In your limited time here on Earth, what is it that you want to:

  • Accomplish?
  • Desire?
  • Feel or express?

Remember why you came here in the first place, at this time, in this body, in this country or city where you live—or where you were born.


What did you want to experience?
What do you want to experience?

Now, you can experience everything that you want in your life because:

  • North X + Y = Z.
    • X is you in this dark hole right now.
    • Z is the current state where you are in the world.
    • Y is the why.

If we know X now and Z, then we know the why.

And this "why" is:

  • Your thinking.

  • Your feeling.

  • Your outlook on life.

  • Is the glass half full or half empty?

  • Do you get up after a defeat, or do you stay down and cry?

  • Do you smile, or do you walk around with a face that no one wants to look at?

Be optimistic and positive and know that:

Deep inside of you, you are in this darkness—which is so dark that it is light again.

  • All these emotions and feelings don’t exist here.
  • It is just pure being—pure energy.

Use this energy.

Use it for whatever you want:

  • For whatever you want to be.
  • For whatever the "Y" should be.

So you can achieve the Z that you want in your life.

You can experience anything you want in your life.

But what do you want?

  • What kind of person do you want to be?
  • What kind of life do you want to live?

Do you care about:

  • Relationships?
  • Money?
  • Health?

Do you care about where you are in life?
Do you care if you live in a shack or a mansion? On a farm or in a skyscraper?

Does it matter to you?

  • If you’re poor or if you’re the richest person in the world?
  • If everyone loves you—or if no one wants to have anything to do with you?

Cleanse yourself of all the thoughts that were put in your mind by:

  • All the conversations you’ve had.
  • All the videos you’ve watched.
  • All the social media interactions you’ve had.

What are your thoughts?
The ones you had back in that black lightning hole of being?

You are this energy.

Never forget your power.

We are so deep within right now, in yourself, that you know—you just know—that it is the reality.

Maybe you forgot.
But now you know again.

(Sección musical y pausas de introspección)

You are the master of your ship.

Set your sails and sail toward the Y.
Sail toward the Z.

Become the Y.

Beautiful. Nostalgic. Amazement.

Open your eyes.

Back here again.

This was a short but powerful journey.

Now you know what you need to do.
Feel blessed. Feel thankful.

You are the greatest energy that life can imagine.

Never forget that sentence:

"You are the greatest energy that life can imagine."

I’m so proud of you for taking this meditation with me today.

Never forget:
This is a place where you can get back to whenever you feel the need.

Thank you so much for watching.

This is There To Do Motivation.

Tell everyone you know about this meditation—they should all watch it.

And now, we shall depart from each other.
It was an honor to serve with you.

Stay blessed.

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