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Improve your memory (Videojug)
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Remembering things is a vital part of our every day lives, but many people don't know how to use their memory to its full potential. This guide will show you some advice on how to improve your memory by paying attention and using association.

This is a TEXT VERSION (not an exact or complete transcript)

Memory is a vital part of our every day lives, but many people don't know how to use their memory to its full potential. This guide will give you some advice on how to improve your memory.

Step 1:
Pay attention

When you decide that you want to remember something, it becomes the object of your focus - you pay ATTENTION to it. This allows you to imprint the memory onto your brain.

Step 2:

Make a picture in your mind of the item that you want to remember.
Link the piece of information you want to recall to something permanent or something that you know very well.

Step 3:

Let's imagine that you want to remember to post a letter on the way to work. First, you DECIDE to remember that letter. Next you make a picture in your mind of that letter. Link it to something that you will come across before you leave for work, for example, see in your mind's eye your inside door handle and picture the letter being attached to your door handle. These three principles can be used to remember almost anything, whether it is a person's name, a shuffled deck of cards or a list of tasks.

Step 4:

To summarise, the three steps to improve your memory are:
1.Decide to remember
2. Use your creativity and link the thing you want to remember to something you already know
3. Practice.

VITAL= Extremely important.

ITS FULL POTENTIAL= Its maximum capacity or possibilities.

FOCUS= Attention. Pronounced /fəʊkəs/

IMPRINT= To record.

BRAIN= The soft, grey organ that we have inside our heads and let us think.

ITEM= Thing, article, object.

LINK= Connect

THE PIECE OF INFORMATION= The word "information" is uncountable (some information), so if we want to use it as countable and talk about one example of it, we need to use the phrase "one piece of".

RECALL(formal)= Remember

COME ACROSS= To meet or find, especially by chance.

IN YOUR MIND’S EYE= In your imagination.

HANDLE= The metal piece of your door that you move with your hand to open it.

ATTACHED= Connected, touching, secured to.

SHUFFLED= To shuffle some cards means to move them around so that the order is completely altered and you don’t know which card is where.

A DECK OF CARDS= A pack of cards used to play card games (the complete set)

RECAP= An informal way to say "recapitulate", to repeat something in a concise (short) form.

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