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Just watch the movie trailer, then read and listen together, and study the vocabulary and script. When you are ready, take the easy quiz at the end of the explanations. This trailer is a thriller by Alfred Hitchcock.

Video and activity uploaded by Asun

This is the scene of the crime. A crime of passion filmed in a way you have never seen before and as no one else would dare attempt but the screen´s master of suspense. The producer director who shocked the world with... Psycho.

... This is the apartment of a man named Jeffries, a news photographer whose BEAT used to be the world. Right now his world has SHRUNK DOWN to the size of this window. He's been watching the people across the way. Nobody seems to pull their blinds during a hot SPELL like this. He knows a lot about them by now. Too much, perhaps.

For instance, down there on the second floor, the woman PACING about, he calls her Miss Lonely Hearts. So lonely that even death seems like a friend. These are the NEWLYWEDS on a honeymoon no one will ever forget. He calls her Miss Hearing Aid, an artist of a very odd and strange art. The songwriter who plays the same melody over and over again - a GENIUS or insane? This is the travelling salesman and his INVALID wife. Out of their arguments and NAGGING comes a weird kind of love. Miss TORSO - the body beautiful, that is, VIEWED FROM A SAFE DISTANCE. ...

"Those are just a few of my neighbors. First, I watched them just to KILL TIME. But then I COULDN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF them, just as you won't be able to." ... And you won't be able to take your eyes off the glowing beauty of Grace Kelley who shares the heart and curiosity of James Stewart in this story of a romance shadowed by the terror of a horrifying secret. ...

BEAT= (n) an area to be covered (e.g. traveling salesman, patrolling policeman, reporter, etc.)

SHRUNK DOWN= (two-word v) reduced in size

SPELL= a while, a short period of time (often relates to weather, e.g. cold spell, hot spell)

PACING= repeatedly walking back and forth

NEWLYWEDS= (n) recently wedded, just married

GENIUS= (n) exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural     ability

INVALID= (n) a person made weak or disabled by an illness or injury.

NAGGING= (gerund) (n) harassing or constantly tell someone to do something

TORSO= upper half of the body, trunk

VIEWED FROM A SAFE DISTANCE= seen from far enough away to be out of reach

KILL TIME= to pass time

CAN'T / COULDN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF= unable to stop looking or staring at

Now  you fill in the blanks with the most correct word or words.

pacing //genius // viewed from a safe distance // kill time // can't take my eyes off.

1 Whenever Jacob gets nervous, he starts ____ the room.
2 Miss Jing is so lovely, I __________ her!
3 Fang Yin always plays solitaire on her computer to ____.
4 Tigers are quite fascinating and beautiful __________.
5 Albert Einstein is a 20th century symbol of scientific ___.

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