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Listen to these two interviews. More revision videos below.

6-B) Can

We can use the verb CAN to express Possibility, Ability, Requests or Permission. Watch this video and all the videos in this lesson to learn more about this verb.
Learn how to ask for things politely using this construction.
Adjectives describe people, things or places. They go BEFORE the noun.
Learn the parts of the body. Watch this presentation video and then learn vocabulary and practise your listening with the other videos. SEE ALL THE VIDEOS FROM THIS LESSON IN THE BAND BELOW
Watch the presentation video to learn the forms and then watch the other videos below.
In this section you have many videos and vocabulary lists to help you talk about your house. You can choose which words you want to learn. In the EXPLANATIONS box I give you the most important words, but you can learn more from all the activities. When you finish everything, make sure you know at least those basic words well. See more videos below.
Learn the rules of plural formation and the most common exceptions. For advanced irregular plurals you can see this other video: Irregular Plurals in English: Basic & Advanced  
These words are also called: "interrogative words" or "question words", because we use them to make questions. Floop Song! This is a song from the movie "Spy Kids 2".
Learn some vocabulary about food and drink.
Nouns in English may be countable or uncountable. We need to know this if we want to use the English articles correctly so before learning the articles (Unit 6-L) we will see here a little introduction to countable/uncountable nouns and a bit of the articles too. Note: I'm sorry but the PDF's he talks about on this video are nowhere to be found, but you have two videos with exercises to practise everything he teaches here. Look for them in the related videos below.
The basic use of English articles is quite simple. A & an are indefinite articles. The is the definite article. a/an vs the:Use A/AN when you are selecting one of a group and THE when there is only one of something.
Learn some very important grammatical words: some/any, much/many, a lot of, little/few. Watch the video and read the explanations.
In this lesson, learn how to make exclamations in English using How, What, So and Such.Don't forget to check the other videos below. ON THIS VIDEO: What a great student you are! How wonderful! In this video, teacher Emma will teach you about "how" and "what" exclamations such as "How exciting!" "What a cute couple!" Exclamations are very important in conversational English, and will help you to sound more natural in your English. Watch this video to find out more. What a great idea!
This video is about women's clothes. Choose the words you want to learn. More videos below. Mind this common difference: AmE pants = BrE trousers AmE underwear = BrE pants
1 pages
Total videos: 15
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