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Phonetics with M-E

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Here are some revision videos and a new thing: age. To tell the age we use the verb "to be" and we have two options: 1- I am 24 2- I am 24 years old (but it's not correct to say: I am 24 years)
Learn how to ask age: How old are you? And remember: To tell the age we use the verb "to be" and we have two options: 1- I am 24 2- I am 24 years old (but it's not correct to say: I am 24 years). There is some vocabulary about age too.
Directions, Prepositions of Place & Prepositions of Movement Basic directions: to, back, forwards, left, right, up, down, sideways (also: toward, towards, backwards, forwards, upwards, downwards)Basic Prepositions of Place and Movement: at, in, on, to, by, under, near, over, above, below, off, around, through, away from Note: in American English you can say "off of" (I jump off of the table), but never in British English (I jump off the table).
Practise and remember this golden rule: AT A TIME, ON A DAY, IN A PERIOD There are some exceptions (see under the Explanations tab), but only a few.
An introduction to the adverbs of frequency (with some Spanish translations). Check the rest of the videos in this lesson (see them below). You can also check this lesson by the British Council, with a very nice video, explanations and interactive exercises. CLICK HERE.
Watch this introductory video for daily routines. Here you will learn the basic expressions you will need to know when working with the other videos in this lesson. 1- Learn new words through pictures.2- Watch them come to life through video.3- Test what you've learned at the end. And then start working with the rest of videos below.

5-G) Jobs

Learn about professions. See the rest of the videos from this lesson below.  
Learn the basic vocabulary and expressions about the weather. Check out all the other videos from this lesson below.
Watch this video and read the explanations.

5-J) Have

This teacher will explain the verb TO HAVE in the present and in the past.
Watch this video and read the explanations below.
Learn some action verbs (sports and movements)
1 pages
Total videos: 12
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